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Joe Manget - Chief Executive Officer, EHN Canada 

Joe Manget is the Chair and CEO of EHN Canada. Prior to his career in healthcare, Joe was a Senior Partner at The Boston Consulting Group, where he led BCG’s largest global practice area. In addition, he was head of BCG Canada for several years. Prior to his consulting career, Joe was also a senior manager at IBM Canada (now Celestica). Joe holds board positions at several other healthcare organizations and is a co-founder and board member of LEAP Centre for Social Impact.  He is Chair of the Health Sector Audit Committee for the province of Ontario, which reviews spend with the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care. He holds a Masters of Science and Engineering from Stanford University, a Masters of Business Research from Henley Business School and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto.  Joe is also currently enrolled in a part time Doctorate program at Henley Business School, his thesis exploring the clinical and economic outcomes of Mental Health and Addictions treatment in Canada.