EHN Guardians’ RCMP Navigation Plan can help guide clients on the way to recovery.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a crisis service, but rather a navigation line. If you’re in immediate danger or need urgent medical support, call 911 or a crisis line, or visit your nearest emergency room.
The RCMP Navigation Plan from EHN Guardians can help RCMP members who are struggling with their mental health, substance use, or trauma symptoms find their way to the treatment they need.
An effective treatment plan starts with a good assessment. Members may request a consultation with a clinician to discuss their concerns and determine next steps. During the call, we will determine what treatment options would be most effective, outline goals for treatment, help you determine if further assessment is needed, and recommend a plan for recovery.
Want to find out more about treatment options?
Here’s what you can expect when we contact you:
- We will discuss your concerns at a time convenient for you.
- We will review our privacy and confidentiality guidelines.
- We can connect you to resources within your community and organization.
- You will complete an assessment to determine the level of care you need.
After sharing the results with you, we will collaborate on your treatment plan.